Sussex Homeless bus to visit for Harry and Meghan’s wedding

Britain's Prince Harry and his fiancée US actress Meghan Markle pose for a photograph in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace in west London on November 27, 2017, following the announcement of their engagement. Britain's Prince Harry will marry his US actress girlfriend Meghan Markle early next year after the couple became engaged earlier this month, Clarence House announced on Monday. / AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS (Photo credit should read DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP/Getty Images)

Brighton’s most famous bus is set to travel to the Royal Wedding on the 19th May, it will be there to act as a central hub for the homeless and rough sleepers who are expected to travel to the area and join with the local rough sleepers in Windsor.

All will be there to wish Prince Harry and Meghan Markle a great day and join in the celebrations.

The bus will provide water/hot drinks and basic food free to the homeless community during its stay, it will be manned by volunteers and homeless from Brighton, the trained volunteers can also offer support and signpost onto other services. We work very well with local services including police and council so it is expected the same will happen in Windsor.

The council in Windsor recently received public ridicule after the story was released stating it wanted all the homeless kicked out the city,

Public and Celebrities including Russell Brand began to condemn the suggestion

We have a support role to play and that is our mission, with public support we will be there the day before doing outreach and stay in a central location to watch the procession drive past, we do hope the Royal Couple get news of the visit and find a way to give us a wave, the homeless crisis in the UK is down to Government policy to drive the poor onto the streets so from the streets we will celebrate the wedding…


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