

Of all the things we need a referendum on , four people in a back room decided it would be on Europe .
I say four , it may be as many as forty , it doesn't matter .
The people were asked to decide , everyone was completely lied to , the people decided …. job done ..
So …

Why don't we have a referendum on war ?
Who wants to murder millions of foreigners ?
And who doesn't ?

Why don't we have a referendum on the NHS ?
Who wants all poor and expensively sick people to die ?
And who doesn't ?

Why don't we have a referendum on housing ?
Who wants everyone else to "get off my land!" And live on the streets ?
And who doesn't ?

Why don't we have a referendum on education ?
Who wants only the people who can pay educated ?
And who doesn't ?

And now we come to the reason I write this piece …

Why don't we have a referendum on Nuclear ?

Who wants to pay through the nose to China and France for the next generation to come ? for their shoddy steel nuclear reactors with a price tag of the highest ever power supply costs to the consumer for the next 35 years , then pay again for the management of the nuclear debris ? (That's if it hasn't had an incident due to said shoddy steel and blown us all to kingdom come before then )
And who doesn't ?

Who wants to pay for a few hundred people to be employed to build new nuclear bombs so we can solve the issues of refugees by wiping them all out at source ?
(if these nuclear bombs even exist ? As some theorists suggest it's all a banking scam anyway ?)

And who doesn't ?





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