PMQs Snap Verdict


Another PMQs session between Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May and my head and the desk.

After weeks of PMQs devoted to Brexit, I assumed that any other subject would make it more bearable to watch but I was wrong…

The leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn had well thought out, research-backed questions that tackled the issues facing people in the UK under the austerity policies inflicted on the people of this country. However, the answers were needless to say less than illuminating, this is Prime Minister, Theresa May we are talking about.

Theresa May almost seemed human at the beginning of PMQs congratulating those that ran in the London Marathon on Sunday and paying particular attention to her colleague who ran in the fastest time out of all parliamentarians on record. She joked she wasn’t chasing him at the time, which was the first time I’ve seen her being genuinely funny.

Mr. Corbyn highlighted the social mobility commission report and how inequality was entrenched.

Mrs. May jumped down his throat for not speaking about the union anniversary before she attempted to answer. Then answered by saying what that social mobility under Labour wouldn’t be any good because young people would have a millstone of debt around their necks. (Isn’t that what they have now?)

Mr. Corbyn went on to discuss how life expectancy is decreasing.

Theresa May repeated statistical information about how her Conservative Government was improving lives. We’ve heard it all before.

Mr. Corbyn then spoke about the massive increase in food bank usage under this Government.

Theresa May began her “The best route out of poverty” routine. However, she was interrupted by hecklers. Needless to say, after she carried on her spiel was the same robotic soundbites that we hear week in and week out.

The same can be said of the rest of the questions regarding social care and how the elderly are not getting the social care support they need and how crime is going up.

The answers were all inadequate and just repetitive misleading statistical information. Mr. Corbyn cleverly used quotations of the PMs own ministers against her. Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, looked uncomfortable as his own words were used against the PM regarding the increase in crime.




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