National Stroud Red Shed Attend London Trump Protest


National Stroud Red Shed is a grass-roots, non-party political campaigning group and community for Stroud. Set up for those on the ‘left of politics’ who want to be part of a creative, inspiring and welcoming new movement for political & social change.

They were amongst the 250,000 marchers at yesterday’s Trump Protest and share their photos, experience of the largest attended Protest on a working day in the United Kingdom.


A very long, but awesome day. A huge, peaceful protest, with people from every type of background and demographic from ten-year-old girls, elderly ladies with their knitting, to American students! The consensus is clear, Fascism is already here – wake the hell up everyone, we have a huge responsibility for our kids and future generations to resist and challenge.

Red Shed also revealed why they came all the way from Stroud to join the protest march and why protesting is so important to our democracy.

My whole ‘raison detre’ for my political activism is to do something to challenge and resist the development of Fascism and global tyranny. While demonstrations might not change the system, when they are as huge as yesterday’s demo, it means the media have to take notice. It not only sends a message to our government and to Trump but most importantly to everyday people, who might not have time for politics, it will make them think and ask questions.


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