Mr Fox’s Poem… By Ibby Just Ibby


I do my bit
Just like the human race
But they want to take my blood
To smear on their face

Like you
I have cubs and a wife
What they call sport
Is my life

I have been in Britain
Just as long as you
I live, i feel and i hurt
Do not let them be so cruel

Two legged on June the 8th
I understand that you have something to choose
For the love of Animality
Make sure she’s the one to lose

Humans it is time
Time to decide my fate
To dream of a better way
Or stick with priveledge, pomp and hate

Has the feel of the feudal
Please hide me please
I hear the sound of the bugle

On the run
My message is as quick as our stories
If you oppose murder
Get rid of the Tories

Mr Fox 2017
On behalf of all British Foxes

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