Hacks HQ – Diary of a Hack at Labour Conference 2018 – Sunday Satire


Hacks HQ – Editors log

Stardate: HY5 C0r8yN

I arrived for TWT (The World Transformed) and Conference today. Project smear heavy in my mind as my boss had made it very clear that where I can find any opportunity to pick holes and sneer at the efforts of the Labour Party, I must do so.

I have to work doubly hard as our fellow Hacks are banned from Liverpool because they got caught lying and spreading disinformation about a terrible tragedy where 96 people lost their lives. Today Corbyn laid a wreath for those 96 and even though I diligently researched I couldn’t find any evidence of any terrorists being buried there, perhaps we could make it up…

‘Corbyn lays a wreath at the site where once Osama Bin Laden may have watched on satellite a football match?’

Due to me looking decidedly dodgy I had to have identification checks with the police and missed the womens conference. Though I did make it to the Rally to welcome Jeremy Corbyn to Liverpool.

Aha! This is where operation smear can take effect!

Two hours later…


That was amazing…

Each speaker spoke with a passion and energy that I have never seen from my conservative MP’s.

Dan Carden started off warming the crowd up with a passionate speech about the city and what an amazing city it is. The crowd went wild.

Speech after speech came after and the passion and energy were the same each time, the crowd lapped it up.

The music was amazing The Christians kicked things off and the Farm ended their set with a moving ‘all together now’ and even the security guards couldn’t help shaking their booties to ‘she’s a liar liar’. I have to admit it is rather catchy, I might download it later…

Four hours later…

I was invited to a party, there was a roundtable where people discussed progressive ideas and ways society could be changed hosted by Mickey Talkeoke. Live music and DJ’s played through the night and beer, dancing, talking and fun oozed from every area of the venue.

I am supposed to write up a feature piece for tomorrow morning but I seem to be infected with this feeling of hope and positivity… ☹️

I feel like I can’t think of anything nasty at all! This socialism malarky has got a hold of me…

Education from cradle to grave, Jeremy Corbyn said in his speech last night and listening to the roundtable talk at the TWT party everyone agreed that education was the key to a better society, that critical thought and creativity are so important…

Strength in supporting each other, free education, the NHS.. it was all because of people coming together and saying this is what we want and we are going to do everything we can to create it. People coming together can change society.

I can’t do this job anymore, I can’t be a hack anymore…

I think I’m going to have to quit my job…

I wonder whether Unity News is hiring?



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