Striking Back


Have you ever had a problem at work that you just didn’t know how to deal with ? Someone bullying you ? Asking you to cut corners in your job ? Telling you it’s law that you have to work extra hours ?

Who do you turn to for help ? Do you feel all alone, a voice in the wilderness ? Feel you can’t broach the subject with colleagues or bosses for fear of recrimination, or that they won’t know the solution either ?

We all might have heard of Trade Unions, we might have one at work, but do we know what they can do to help when we need support ? Even supporting us when we’re out of work with community membership.

I spoke to Julius Marstrand who’s leading a session called building bridges between union and community at the trade union event in Gloucester on the 14th March. He’s been fighting to save our NHS and most recently, restoring full accident and emergency services at Cheltenham hospital. The various unions within the NHS have been useful to communicate with, some need to protect their members (staff) Others need to protect the NHS as an institution and the provision of good services to the public. Julius explains how communication and cooperation between community, trade unions and institutions is the key to both saving our local services and ensuring they’re run with the benefit of both staff and the public in mind.

There’s so much to see, hear about and learn at this event. Please come along and find out not only what trade unions can do to help you personally, but how much joining together with one huge voice can change everyone’s life for the better.

Striking Back : Saturday 14th March at the Friendship cafe, Painswick rd, Gloucester 11.30am-4pm



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